Science Communication

The Immune Superheros (2012)
Cartoons characters, each representing a type of immune cell. Done for Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) for the Singapore Science Festival: X-periment 2012 (Theme: Our Immune System), used in generation of informative posters and stickers, target audience comprising of school-going children and members of the public.

Immune Cells in Allergy (2013)
Poster done for Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) for the Singapore Science Festival: X-periment 2013 (Theme: Allergy), used in generation of informative posters and stickers, target audience comprising of school-going children and members of the public

House Dust Mite (2013)
Cartoon character of the house dust mite (most frequent cause of allergies in Singapore). Done for Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) for the Singapore Science Festival: X-periment 2013 (Theme: Allergy), used in generation of informative posters and stickers, target audience comprising of school-going children and members of the public

Vaccine Players Poster (2014)
Poster done for Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) for the Singapore Science Festival: X-periment 2014 (Theme: Vaccines), used in generation of informative posters and stickers, target audience comprising of school-going children and members of the public

A Training Roadmap for a Successful Signaling (2015)
Small poster that was presented as a door gift for attendees of the Gordon Research Seminar 2015 – Immunology of Fungal Infections – Identifying the Common Beneficial Host/Pathogen Interaction

Conference flyer – 11th SgSI Symposium (2019)

Pint of Science Singapore (2019)
Graphic for printing on event t-shirts and pint mug for Pint of Science event in Singapore
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